

Please consider a donation to the York Junior Symphony Orchestra. Your donations are tax deductible and can be made online at your convenience.

Largo Society ($10.00-$99.00)
Andante Society ($100.00-$249.00)
Moderato Society ($250.00-$499.00)
Allrego Society ($500.00-$999.00)
Vivace Society ($1000.00 and above)

Make a Donation

Planned estate giving: The Sostenuto Society

You can help the YJSO by remembering us in your estate planning. Your planned gift helps ensure that your passion for children and music reaches future generations. For more information, please contact us and select “I would like to donate to the Sostenuto Society”.

Contact us →

Donate time: VOLUNTEER

You can volunteer whether you have a child in the York Junior Symphony or not. Please fill out the contact us form and select “I would like to volunteer” to let us know what you would like to do for us!

Contact us →