Practice Assignments for the Week of 3/22-3/29
3/29 DRESS Rehearsal
String Ensemble will begin the dress rehearsal with their music selections. The rest of the orchestra will watch.
The rehearsal will be done in concert order, as follows. Each piece will be introduced by a student speaker, so we will practice that as well.
Tragic Overture
Winds and brass - focus this week on using more air and breathing from the diaphragm. You need to know your parts better so that you can hear other instruments that have your part.
Strings - focus on playing much softer, unless marked with forte. Make sure to practice with the correct key signature - F Natural, C Natural, B-Flat.
Songs of the Sea
Second violins and woodwinds, this piece must be worked on much more this week; you have to be confident and play out!
Colors of the Wind
Second violins, you did an excellent job playing out this past weekend. Keep doing that and have fun with this piece!! Violas, you can play out. First violin and cello players, you need to sniff/cue/gesture/lead much better in this piece.
Deerpath Triptych
Between movements, keep looking up to let the audience know that the piece has not finished. Here are some notes:
Open Lands: Play out, use more bow!
Lake Brave: Full bows throughout the piece, to the tip and to the frog. We need the audience to feel your expression while playing.
The Hunt: The style of the melody should not be sloppy - match the articulation of the people around you.
The Parting Glass
Keep practicing your part - Mr. Kriebel will rehearse this piece with you on Saturday.
Haydn Finale from Symphony 88
There was lots of progress on this one Saturday! Keep up the hard work - don't let the style or notes slip. Listen throughout the orchestra for the people who have the same part as you.
It's About Time
We did not have enough time to rehearse this on Saturday - you know this piece - go out and nail it! Have fun!
Practice Assignments for the Week of 3/15-3/22
3/22 Rehearsal
Deerpath Triptych
Movement 1 - Second violins and violas, play out. Follow the dynamics but use more bow throughout.
Movement 2 - Cellos, this movement improved some, but it needs to be played more in tune. Violins and violas, you need to use full bows throughout the entire movement.
Movement 3 - Focus on adding space between each note in the melody and playing the F Naturals and B Flats in tune.
Colors of the Wind
This piece is improving, but make sure to play with each ritardando and in tune. There should be more progress.
Full Symphony:
Tragic Overture
There are many students who are not following the correct key signature. You must watch the conductor and know your part better.
Songs of the Sea
Many second violins do not know their part fluently yet. There was progress throughout rehearsal, and we will play the whole piece next week.
Haydn Symphony 88
This piece is not concert ready yet. Keep working on the style and knowing your part better.
It’s About Time
Have fun playing this one. Gesture while you play and try to play along with the recording!
Wind Ensemble:
Remember to observe all dynamic markings and articulation markings when you are practicing.
Trumpets: add one level to every dynamic while practicing this week. (p becomes mf, ff becomes fff). Get used to producing more sound.
Be prepared to play Parting Glass as a "concert" performance.
The assignment for my percussionists is the same as it was a couple weeks ago: listen to all the tunes and write cues in for when you come in.
Practice Assignments for the Week of 3/08-3/15
3/15 Rehearsal
Deerpath Triptych
Movement 1 - Second violins and violas, play out. Follow the dynamics but use more bow throughout.
Movement 2 - Cellos, this movement was not where it should be. Violins, the bow speed and long bows need to be better.
Movement 3 - Keep working on it.
Colors of the Wind
Be prepared to perform this piece for the winds/brass/percussion next rehearsal.
Full Symphony:
Tragic Overture
There was progress after the first play through yesterday. There are many students who are not following the correct key signature. Please work on B-flats and F-naturals with your teacher and practice. Listen to the recording.
Songs of the Sea
At the con moto, measure 86, practice with dotted eighth note = 100. Many second violins do not know their part fluently yet. We will play the whole piece next rehearsal. Listen to the recording.
Haydn Symphony 88
We did not rehearse this on Saturday. Continue practicing to improve the style and tempo.
It’s About Time
Have fun playing this one. Gesture while you play and try to play along with the recording!
Practice Assignments for the WeekS of 2/23-3/08
No YJSO rehearsal on 3/1
3/08 Rehearsal
For Full Orchestra Reference:
Here are the originals of the pieces that It’s About Time was arranged from. It may be helpful for students to listen to them in case they don’t already know them.
Ella Fitzgerald:
Sam Dooley-Wilson
Cyndi Lauper:
And full pieces for reference:
Full Symphony:
Colors of the Wind
Violin 2 musicians need to work on playing out with a stronger sound throughout this piece. Cellos need significant work on playing more in tune on the extended notes. This was not at the level it should be.
Deerpath Triptych
We will play through all 3 movements. Make sure to polish them with the metronome for next rehearsal.
Symphony Orchestra
Tragic Overture
This will be the main focus next rehearsal. Please come prepared on this piece, including the repeat.
Songs of the Sea
The con moto section will be a little faster, dotted quarter = 100. Please mark this in your part and practice. Violin 1 musicians need to work on the high, challenging parts with their teacher.
Symphony 88
We will rehearse this piece. Each musician needs to focus on the style, including shorter 8th notes and individual practice goals.
Wind Ensemble:
Remember to observe all dynamic markings and articulation markings when you are practicing.
Trumpets: add one level to every dynamic while practicing this week. (p becomes mf, ff becomes fff). Get used to producing more sound.
Be prepared to play Parting Glass as a "concert" performance.
The assignment for my percussionists is the same as it was a couple weeks ago: listen to all the tunes and write cues in for when you come in.
Practice Assignments for the WeekS of 2/9-2/22
No YJSO rehearsal on 2/15
2/22 Rehearsal
Deerpath Triptych
Open Lands - Movement 1
We will rehearse this movement next rehearsal.
Lake Brave - Movement 2
We may not rehearse this, but here are goals for each section. Remember to practice this with a metronome.
Violin I - focus on vibrato on 8th notes as well as bow speed.
Violin II and Viola- focus on using full bows and playing more confidently, even when the dynamic is softer.
Cello and Bass - focus on bow speed and keeping the left-hand finger hopping when moving from string to string. Cellos could have been better this past rehearsal in this piece.
The Hunt - Movement 3
When playing the melody, put more of a stop in between each note. Viola and Violin II dynamics and confidence need to be stronger.
Colors of the Wind - measure 39-end
Symphony Orchestra
Songs of the Sea
This piece needs a significant amount of work.
All musicians need to practice measure 86 to the end with a metronome; the Dotted Quarter Note = 85. We will try to push it a little faster.
We will rehearse measure 1-85 next rehearsal; the Quarter Note = 65.
Tragic Overture
We will play through the whole piece. Remember the repeat and to count the dotted 8th notes. Check the key signature before playing!
It’s About Time
We will play through the whole piece if there is time.
Wind Ensemble:
The Parting Glass is nearly performance ready. While you are practicing it, make sure you are committing to dynamics and musicality. Remember what the music is about and what we are trying to evoke in the audience.
Full Orchestra:
Woodwinds, get any and all quick sixteenth note passages under your fingers sooner rather than later.
Brass, we need to produce more sound at forte. The only way to get yourself to play louder is to practice playing louder! (apologize to your family in advance)
The assignment for my percussionists is the same as it was a couple weeks ago: listen to all the tunes and write cues in for when you come in.
Practice Assignments for the Week of 2/2-2/8
2/8 Rehearsal
Deerpath Triptych
The Hunt, Quarter Note = 100
Focus on a space between notes in the melody.
Lake Brave, Quarter Note = 70
Colors of the Wind
Measure 39-end
Symphony Orchestra
Songs of the Sea
Rehearse from con moto to end. Dotted Quarter = 80. Focus on moving/swaying in the strings to feel the tempo/rhythm.
Symphony 88
Two focus sections
Measure 57-85
Measure 85-end
Wind Ensemble:
Parting Glass
Practice with a metronome -
m. 1-32 quarter note = 66
m. 33 - 52 quarter note = 76
m. 53 to the end quarter note = 66
It's important that you practice at the correct tempo, and include the tempo alterations that are written in the music.
Practice Assignments for the Week of 1/26-2/1
2/1 SECTIONAL Rehearsal
String players need to mark all bowings and fingers in their parts; only a few students had everything marked in their parts.
All musicians need to listen to the pieces to become more familiar with how each piece sounds. It is vital to the success of the orchestra that you know what the piece sounds like in full context.
All musicians are expected to use a metronome on the music. This has improved from the fall but still has a lot of work to do.
Moving forward, All bassists please arrive 8:15 before the strings to facilitate tuning.
Below are the links to the slow practice videos for the violas
Wind Ensemble:
Parting Glass
Practice with a metronome -
m. 1-32 quarter note = 66
m. 33 - 52 quarter note = 76
m. 53 to the end quarter note = 66
It's important that you practice at the correct tempo, and include the tempo alterations that are written in the music.
Practice Assignments for the Week of 1/11-1/25
1/25 Rehearsal Agenda
Deerpath Triptych
Practice the Lake Brave and The Hunt movements. Lake Brave, Quarter = 60, 8th = 120
The Hunt, Quarter = 100
Colors of the Wind
Practice Page 2 of this piece. The Quarter Note = 75.
Full Symphony
We will be reading through Songs of the Sea and Farandole (the new piece).
Please prepare Tragic Overture, measures 66-end. Quarter note = 75 for now. We rehearsed measures 1-65 at this past rehearsal, so please keep working on those as well. Remember to play B-flats and F-naturals.
Full Symphony:
Wind Ensemble
Wind Ensemble agenda:
Be prepared to rehearsal The Parting Glass, m. 43 to the end. Always observe tempo and dynamic markings while practicing.
Listening Link:
Percussionists, please listen to the practice links and write in what happens in the music before your entrances after rests. I will be checking this next rehearsal.